Wasps seem to be everywhere at the moment, often found in our gardens and occasionally in our homes. They are quite literally everywhere.
With the unusually hot summer it’s not surprising that these pests will be around for quite sometime to come.
The bumper warm weather has resulted in a surge in the wasp population and the little devils won’t be shifting anywhere fast.
Matt Shardlow, chief executive of Buglife (a charity) said:
There have been a lot of wasp-human encounters in the last couple of weeks. We have windows open and are spending more time outdoors so we are encountering them more. If it gets drier again then we can expect to see many more in September.
It may be surprising that since the 1970s wasp numbers have actually gone down.
However, Pest Controllers in and around the UK had reported that its controllers were dealing with more call-outs to handle wasp nests.
With the combination of hot weather and fruit ripening in gardens some of the wasps are slightly inebriated causing them to sting more often.
With the Met Office predicting that the glorious weather may well last into the later months of the year, potentially reaching October and because of this, wasps will be around longer than usual.
By the time Autumn fully arrives the queens should be in hibernation, so a lot of the remaining wasps will be on the lookout for sugar.