When it came to writing today’s blog post we had the perfect post planned from the wonderful TwEAT up that we recently attended over at the Kingsbridge Inn in Totnes. Â Admittedly being one of 3 guys out of a total of 9 ladies to attend the TwEAT up and being the only one to arrive late naturally I looked like a rabbit caught between two headlights.
I’d like to apologise for my poor attendance… :).
At the TwEAT up, I arrived more with my web development hat on rather than BoostTorbay. Â Never the less it was brought up, and one of the questions that was queried was “I like BoostTorbay but, what are we exactly Boosting?” Â It’s a very good question and one that does need an answer so here goes.
#BoostTorbay is about Boosting Torbay from its businesses through to its community and onto events and beyond. Â Essentially we provide a marketing service for businesses, communities, events and provide new ways for small businesses to connect with more consumers and vice versa.
The hash-tag is used to help us identify those that want us to help promote them via Twitter and we also offer featured accounts to those who want a little more than just a simple RT. Â We attempt to connect small businesses or people with services that they need for instance if they need a plumber we will try and find them a plumber.
Recently we have begun helping businesses for fill job roles, by allowing businesses to pop their job positions on our website this is just another part of #BoostTorbay and what’s more its free.  #BoostTorbay will soon be going through a bit of a revamp, after all there is far more to us than meets the eye and we want to share it with you.