Interview with’s Marc Lladó

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This week we had a chat with Marc Llado, CEO of moment marketing company and website

Could you tell us a bit more about and yourself?

Ad-Pure is a Moment Marketing platform. We define moment marketing as a marketing tendency with focus on helping brands to identify, these moments where the users are most responsive (and also more likely to purchase).

Ad-Pure is a multichannel tool that uses context data in real time. We monitor every place and moment, looking for events that affect product demand.

Once those moments of maximum opportunity are identified, AD-Pure will tap on the factors considered relevant in the interaction, usually the weather, sporting events, festivals, holiday periods, paydays, stock information or synchronization with television commercials by adapting your online campaigns accordingly.

My name is Marc Lladó, the CEO of Ad-Pure. This business was founded by Oriol Peña and I. Ad-Pure was founded in 2014, we sought to achieve new goals and impacts that were difficult to achieve. Today Ad-Pure already has customers worldwide who use this platform and achieve optimization of their investments up to 64%.

What inspired you to start your website? 

We noticed how much the weather actually affects how we purchase things both in our life and online. When it is raining, we don’t want to leave home – so we’re more likely to order food from a home delivery service. When the sun is shining, we buy iced coffees, ice cream, sun screen etc.

We wanted to provide a service that enables the brands to automate their online campaigns based on that information thus empowering the brands to target the correct people at the exact moment that the need for their products arises.

Was there that a-ha moment when you founded the website?

Yes, I instantly knew that what we created would one day become something big!

It took a lot of research to identify purchasing patterns. We met with professionals from different sectors that gave us some clues about what we should take into consideration. In turn, we looked into public data (using tools such as Google Trends) to validate our observations and to be able to quantify it all.

At a product level, we started with small limited features in Adwords. We made preliminary studies with the first customers based on historical data and we were teaching them the potential the tool had. Seeing this, they gave us consent to start with some campaigns. I still remember the nerves we had the first few weeks; every day we looked at the results compulsively. Gradually we got better KPIs of the triggered campaigns, which filled us with joy and gave us the clearing to further optimize more campaigns for more clients.

What are your biggest challenges you are facing for the next 12 months?

We have just launched a new feature, TV Sync, which lets you synchronize your TV commercials with your online campaigns.

In addition to the weather, festivals or sporting events, you can also synchronize marketing campaigns while the television is airing an ad that interests us. TV Sync technology is based on leveraging these moments when the viewer remains distracted with their smartphone or tablet when watching television.

This functionality has an automated technology capable of capturing a television commercial at the same time it’s being broadcasted. TV Sync also gives you the keys to counter attack your competitors and use their results for the benefit of your brand.

So the biggest challenge now will be how to position ourselves in the market, how to make the world know about this cutting edge technology and how to maintain the presence that we want.

What has been you biggest achievements to date?            

What satisfies us are our satisfied customers. We have been well received in the market and we have worked with customers such as Atrápalo,, Hels Bcn, Birchbox and also a known food delivery company. We have seen that the marketing world is very interested in using the platform to innovate and improve their results that can offer more creative and comprehensive strategies.

When people first start out online what would you say are the common mistakes people make?

Narrowing your business down to just one market. Not being open to challenges and being afraid of taking risks. Also, it is very important to never give up, and to always have a dedicated team around you with diverse mentalities in order for a more broad perspective on everything!

What website/illustration software did you use and why?

We used the software Sketch in order to create the layout for Ad-Pure. It serves both to design web pages for mobile application interfaces and designing icons.

What online trends should we keep an eye on?

Absolutely Moment Marketing: Moment Marketing shows how the world is not something independent of consumers, but there is a relationship between them based on interests, preferences, thoughts and decisions. It is the only marketing solution that takes into account the following factors: who needs the product, what is the motivation of the consumer, what context is surrounding (both physical and emotional) and what can be done “here and now” to give the consumer what they need at that moment.

What questions would recommend to someone thinking about starting something online? 

Is this your true passion? Are you willing to work 24/7 in order to achieving your dreams? Do you have support and positive people surrounding you?

And the answer should of course be, yes, to all the above!

What resources would you recommend for a newbie to visit?

I would say that it depends on the industry that your business is in.

Nevertheless, all businesses regardless, should check out the following sites:

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Boost News Desk
Boost News Desk
Robert Haylor has 14 years of web development experience, starting out as a web developer whilst still in his university dorm room at Birmingham City University. With a background and a strong interest in website design & development he is skilled in a variety of programming languages including PHP, MySQL, CSS3 and HTML5. As Managing Director of Boost Digital Media, he regularly jumps on to client projects on a daily basis as well as ensuring the company strategy is being implemented and is delivering results.

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