Friday, January 10, 2025


Local Photographer wins in National Zoo & Aquarium Photo Awards

BIAZA (British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums) have recently had their annual conference. Paignton Zoo are once again celebrating, this time it's not...

Torre Abbey celebrates 10,000 visitors with free entry

Torbay Tattoo Tales has been seen by 10,000 visitors to Torre Abbey Museum. The TATTOO: British tattoo Art Revealed, on loan from the National Maritime...

Growing Vertically, Paignton Zoo’s wonder wall is of growing interest

A vertical garden, now there's something you don't see everyday. Paignton Zoo are once again making the impossible, possible. This time, however they have taken the...

Dormice take the tube

21 dormice have arrived at Paignton Zoo Environmental Park, on their way to being released into the wild in Warwickshire. The release follows an ongoing...

Torbay Beaches Amongst the Best in the UK

Torbay beaches have been recognised as being amongst the best in England and the entire UK. You don't need to take our word for it...

Hatching Chicks at Paignton Zoo, Sign Spring has Sprung

After a somewhat harsh and unforgiving winter in Torbay this year.  Paignton Zoo are celebrating the dawn of Spring. Spring means new beginnings Spring at Paignton...

Paignton Zoo Fights Spider Turtle Extinction

Today, the tortoise also known as Pyxis Arachnoides, or the Spider Tortoise to you and me has fought extinction head on with the help...

Torre Abbey Museum in 33.4% visitor number increase

Torre Abbey Museum is celebrating its biggest footfall increase year on year for over 10 years today.A trend which beats the national visitor numbers...