Business Development

Still time to have your say on Torbay’s Economic Growth Strategy

The consultation on the draft Torbay Economic Growth Strategy is still open and Torbay Council would like to hear from those who live, work and own a business in...

Local employers invited to fill vacant positions at Torbay Jobs Fair

The Torbay Jobs Fair is returning this October and local employers are being invited to book a free stand to advertise and fill their...

Kier host Lymington Road and Edginswell ‘Meet the Buyer’ event

Main contractor Kier Construction is looking to boost its supply chain in Torbay as part of its £10 million contracts for Torquay Gateway and...

TDA announces Chief Executive to step down

After 12 years at the helm Steve Parrock, the Chief Executive of the TDA has announced that he will be stepping down on the...

Free Interactive Programming Courses in Torbay

Digital skills are essential. With the current lockdown looking like it will be with us for several months, perhaps now is the time to...