, 2019 Year in Review

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Its coming to the end of the year and here at we’re getting ready for a well deserved Christmas break. This year has been an exceptional year for the website, for our social media channels an for us as a whole.

We’d like to take this opportunity to first of all say thank you to our avid readers, fans and followers who really do make what we do worthwhile, without you some of these stats just wouldn’t of happened.

Our Social Media Channels

We started out on the social network, Twitter, back in 2012, at the time we had 0 followers, yes you read that right we had 0 followers and reach was more what we did for the biscuit tin on a Monday morning.

Since then you can now find on the following social networks:

Follow on Twitter

Where we first started and host our regular Friday night #BoostChat, an entirely free hour to chat about, well virtually anything.

Whether its business, none business or just want to tweet whilst waiting for your favourite food to arrive.

We also use twitter to promote our recent news stories and more.


Have you liked us on Facebook? We always do our best to post separate content on our Facebook page, delivering a bit of exclusivity for our fans.

This year, the page has grown immensely, something we are really pleased to see and we’re now also a recognised Facebook News Page for the local area.

Like us on Facebook.


Instagram, we’ve really stepped up our game, from posting occasionally to it being a formal part of our social media marketing plan.

We try to post at least once a day on the social network and are regularly joining in the conversation with other Instagram users.

Follow us on Instagram


New for 2019, we joined the professional social network, LinkedIn. Our aim, is to deliver our content to the business community of Torbay and beyond.

Follow us on LinkedIn


We’re on Pinterest, that’s all we can really say here. Watch this space in 2020, as we start looking at how we can leverage our Pinterest presence.


This year we’ve done very little on our YouTube Channel, that is going to change.

Our Website

The goal this year was to double the total amount of traffic the website has had throughout its entire lifetime.

We’re delighted to inform you that the website is currently on track to smash this target.

In comparison to 2018 we have received over 56% more visitors this year than we did in the previous year an exceptional number of people.

Users stayed longer on our website and the bounce rate dropped further, meaning our website is starting to hold peoples attention and the content we’re posting is of interest.

In 2020 our website will remain our focus point, and will be the spear head for the other 4 websites that are within the boost network.

Boost Business Networking Nights 2020 Dates

We are still waiting on confirmation from the venue for future dates of the Boost Torbay Networking Nights in 2020.

If confirmed, our next networking night will be on the 6th January 2020.

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Advertising Revenue 2019

We have a small advert in a none disruptive location on our website, we want to ensure that visitors to our website are not disrupted by unsolicited ads or overwhelmed with advertising.

However, despite this, our ad revenue share grew by 77.79% in comparison to 2018.

We’ve also launched our own advertising package, enabling businesses both locally and nationally to advertise on


Phew!! So that was 2019, now what is to come in 2020?

Well all we shall say is watch this space, there are some exciting projects in the pipeline for Boost Torbay and we’re aiming to double the amount of traffic we’re getting to the website, from 22,000 to 44,000 in a single year.

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Boost News Desk
Boost News Desk
Robert Haylor has 14 years of web development experience, starting out as a web developer whilst still in his university dorm room at Birmingham City University. With a background and a strong interest in website design & development he is skilled in a variety of programming languages including PHP, MySQL, CSS3 and HTML5. As Managing Director of Boost Digital Media, he regularly jumps on to client projects on a daily basis as well as ensuring the company strategy is being implemented and is delivering results.

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